Sunday, May 01, 2011

Meridian barricades targeted

Vernon Morning Star May 1, 2011:
Some Vernon road design work is driving neighbouring concerns.  Changes are proposed in the 2800 block of 30th Avenue this summer with a centre median to prevent left turns (both from 28th Street and on to 28th from 30th).  But also 28th Street just happens to be home to Vernon’s new Okanagan Regional Library, currently under construction.  “It’s an issue,” said Coldstream Coun. Maria Besso who is a director on the ORL board. “I know that the library wasn’t pleased about that.  “It was brought up and it surprised everyone during the charrette (planning) process in October.”  Vernon businesses and citizens have also raised concerns with the median.  “I have a concern that the design of the project will impact the Vernon Winter Carnival parade and the flow of commercial truck traffic,” said Vernon resident George Serhan.  Vernon engineering staff say turns can easily be made by all vehicles, including large floats, transport trucks and fire engines.
Don Quixote Note: My concerns as stated at the Vernon Council Meeting: It seems to me that all traffic from East of 27th street that was going to the Library or to the new Legal Building would take the path of least resistance and make a right hand turn on 28th Ave (kitty corner to St James Church) and have to pass by the St. James School. Diverting traffic past a school seemed an unsafe practice to me and I could not support the median in this location. Changing of 28th st. to a right only turn on both sides where it meets 30th ave. would seem to me to be a more reasonable solution to the concern about  straight through traffic  or left turn traffic when exiting the new library or Legal Building on 28th st.

It was suggested by councillor Gilroy  (not staff) that my concern was incorrect as people coming from the East would make the right hand turn at 32nd Ave (Beside 7-11 ) and go left on  30th st etc. and then left on 30th ave etc to access Library.  (only time will tell who is right on the traffic pattern that will emerge.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who is the "fellow councillor"-was it a confidential prediction? If not,name the person