Monday, October 03, 2011

Parking Promotion Pondered

An official with the Downtown Vernon Association says there is some concern that a major retailer has moved to the north part of the city.  City Furniture left its site on 31st Ave last week, and is now beside the Superstore. DVA executive director Earl Hansen says the move highlights the need to address parking issues in the downtown.  He says "It could be a factor in a situation, even such as this one, where there is a relocation when the availability of free parking, is another inducement for customers to come to your premise." Hansen says his group is urging the city to create a parking commission to look at future options.
A Special Committee of the Whole meeting of Council will be held Friday, October 7th, 2011, from 7:30am to 9:30 am in the “Council Chambers, City Hall, in order to host a meeting with the Downtown Vernon Association Members. (open to public and Media)

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