Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Spall Tax Hike Drops From 12 to 4%

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM  Tuesday, 01 May 2012 14:36
  A tax hike that started at 12 percent has been narrowed down to four by Spallumcheen council. The increase is needed as the township has to start paying for policing with its population going over five-thousand in the latest census.  Mayor Janice Brown says no services will be cut, and grants will be sought for certain projects. She tells Kiss FM, "We've managed to go item by item and find some savings. We we're being very panicked at the  beginning (of the budget process), not knowing where we could cut. We're just finding ways to get things to qualify under gas taxes and other grants, where we can double up and save money, and lower our expectations a little bit I guess." Brown says they will know more about the increase's impact on homeowners once the bylaw goes before council for adoption next Monday.

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