Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Vancouver politicians call for end to pot prohibition

By Frank Luba, The ProvinceMay 1, 2012 3:32 PM
Vancouver council gave unanimous support Tuesday for a motion endorsing the Stop the Violence B.C. campaign, which is promoting a public health-based, regulatory approach to cannabis.  By making pot akin to alcohol or tobacco, with government control and taxation, the campaign contends the multi-billion dollar industry will be taken out of hands of organized crime.  The motion was moved by Councillor Kerry Jang, who was subjected to the violent side of marijuana when his home was mistaken for a nearby grow operation. “This is purely a public health issue,” said Jang. “We need a different approach to marijuana regulations.” The motion also called for Mayor Gregor Robertson to write letters explaining Vancouver’s support of the campaign to the Union of B.C. Municipalities, and the provincial and federal Ministers of Health and Justice.

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