Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Would you support your region becoming GMO Free?”

About 250 people came to hear scientist Thierry Vrain's recent presentation on “Genetically Modified Foods and Human Health”, in Vernon last week. Dr. Vrain clearly demonstrated the dangers associated with GM crops. As a geneticist who worked with agriculture Canada for 30 years, Dr. Vrain fully understands why farmers were attracted to the promises of GM crops. However, now that independent science is available and that the initial promises have proven empty, he warns of the dangers of letting these crops continue to proliferate and contaminate the soil, water, and food supply.
Among the issues discussed, Dr. Vrain insisted on the fact that GM crops were never independently tested prior to their release. Test results were given to governments by the same corporations that profited from the sales of the GM seeds and the pesticides used to grow them.
He then spoke of how GM corporate interests are now permeating not only government, but also science as industry finances universities and corporate officials sit on boards of scientific journals.
Dr. Vrain was in Vernon as part of a cross-Canada tour he is doing most often accompanied by Dr. Shiv Chopra, the author of “Corrupt to the Core” a book that tells “what happens when your government chooses to Side-Step Scientific Truth”. Dr. Chopra is the scientist who, when working for Health Canada, refused to sign up on the Bovine Growth Hormone. Unfortunately dr. Chopra was not able to be in Vernon but his speech on the “Canada's Food: the most toxic on the planet” can be heard on BeeSafeMonashees.org
Dr. Chopra talks of how hormones, antibiotics, slaughterhouse waste, GMO and pesticides – and are all in our food system illegally, making Canadian food the most toxic in the entire planet. Europe, in comparison, bans or regulates four out of the five unwanted contaminants.
Both scientists are donating their time to inform people about the danger of corporate food, and the need to act now, and not wait for politicians, in order to take the power back from corporatocracy. Farmers and growers take note: In Vernon, as in other places across BC, people all stand up and cheer when asked “Would you support your region becoming GMO Free?” !

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