Sunday, August 10, 2014

Greater Vernon water rates scrutinized

by Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star posted Aug 10, 2014 at 1:00 AM
Greater Vernon officials will take a look at the future cost of water. The Greater Vernon Advisory Committee has directed staff to prepare a report so elected officials can discuss the various potential sources of revenue, including taxation, to meet the water utility’s future needs. “We want more information so we can make a decision on rates,” said Coldstream director Jim Garlick. BX-Silver Star director Mike Macnabb wants the capacity of the water system considered as part of the discussions. “Are there other opportunities to sell water beyond what’s been identified? Right now we’re just looking at what we have,” he said.
Actual Resolution Passed:
That it be recommended to the Board of Directors, staff be directed to prepare a report to facilitate the discussion of future Greater Vernon Water Utility rates. The purpose of the report is to allow the politicians to discuss the various potential sources of revenue, including taxation, to satisfy the future anticipated needs of the water utility. The report should include detailed statistics on the present distribution of revenue (2013), including but not limited to:
a) number of connections of each type, (breaking out Agricultural, Residential, Industrial,  Commercial, Institutional, and other)
b) present rates charged, and total income received, for each type of customer & service (including fire hydrants).
c) detailed maps outlining and differentiating the areas that are and are not presently serviced by the utility, but are geographically within the Greater Vernon taxation area
Don Quixote Note: On my list to be included in this report is a reconciliation of the 'lost water'.  An analysis of the difference between total water produced by system and water used (Including billed water and unbilled water. Also, most important is the distribution and billing of the agricultural water usage between the class 9 B.C. Assessed farm properties and the other properties who get Ag.  Rates but do not qualify for BCAA Farm Status.

1 comment:

Shawn Lee said...

It seems to me that the information requested is the minimum necessary for any informed discussion of water rates and the options available to fund the utility.Surely this must have hashed over before somewhere.Cheers Shawn Lee a Vernon Taxpayer and drinker of water.