Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tentative Teachers Deal Reached

Written by Glen Morrison 107.5 KISSFM Tuesday, 16 September 2014 05:11
There's a tentative deal in the British Columbia teachers' strike/lockout. The breakthrough on the fifth day of talks at a Richmond hotel with the help of mediator Vince Ready. Negotiations resumed last week under increasing pressure from the public and suggestions by the government that legislating an end to the dispute was an option. Last Wednesday, the B.C. Teachers' Federation voted 99.4% to end their dispute if the government agreed to binding arbitration -- something the government has repeatedly rejected. Teachers launched their full-scale job action two weeks before summer break and students have now missed over two weeks of their new school year. The timing is good, Vince Ready has an 8am flight to Toronto to oversee three days of mediation there.
see also:  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/b-c-teachers-strike-tentative-deal-reached-1.2767479
& http://infotel.ca/newsitem/bc-teachers-employers-reach-tentative-deal/it13007

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