by Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star posted Oct 8, 2014 at 1:00 AM
Minor hockey parents and players hope Civic Arena can outlast a bureaucratic log jam. The Regional District of North Okanagan has abandoned plans for a Nov. 15 borrowing referendum on a replacement ice sheet for Civic Arena because there wasn’t sufficient time for the legal process. “We won’t be able to provide the current level of service without Civic Arena,” said Richard Frater, Greater Vernon Minor Hockey Association president. “If Civic becomes not operational, we won’t be able to do that.” Civic Arena is 77 years old and there is a concern major capital issues could lead to the facility suddenly not being available for ice users. RDNO has not received the required provincial approval needed to move the service establishment and loan authorization bylaws to referendum. “The province has raised the concern about RDNO having a referendum and borrowing for a capital expansion of a facility owned by the City of Vernon,” said David Sewell, chief administrative officer. The regional district had proposed borrowing up to $13 million for a 400-seat, NHL-sized ice sheet at the north end of Kal Tire Place. “There will have to be another direction. We need a process to replace Civic Arena before it fails catastrophically,” said director Rob Sawatzky, adding that one option is possibly having a spring referendum. Sawatzky isn’t concerned that Nov. 15’s civic election could lead to a new group of politicians who delay the process further. “The reports and facts speak for themselves. No political stance will replace the fact that Civic Arena has become too expensive to operate and could fail,” he said. Discussions about process could occur at the next Greater Vernon Advisory Committee session. “There will be options presented at GVAC on what the next steps are. We believe the proposal still has merit,” said Juliette Cunningham, GVAC chairperson. While officials determine what to do, Frater insists the needs of minor hockey must be a priority. “I’m hoping they (GVAC) will come up with a plan to tackle the issue,” he said.
BEYOND THE HEADLINES: Passing the puck
by Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star posted Oct 8, 2014 at 1:00 AM
The Regional District of North Okanagan announced Monday that plans are being shelved for a Nov. 15 referendum to borrow $13 million for a replacement ice sheet for Civic Arena. The reason given in a press release was, “At the present time, RDNO has not received the required approval from the inspector of municipalities needed to move the service establishment and loan authorization bylaws to referendum for the expansion of the Vernon and district multi-use facility.” If you read between the lines, the provincial government’s bureaucracy is slower than molasses in January. But further investigation provides more insight into the situation. “The province has raised concern about RDNO having a referendum and borrowing for a capital expansion of a facility owned by the City of Vernon,” said David Sewell, the regional district’s chief administrative officer. Now for a quick reminder on what’s been happening politically in Greater Vernon over the last few years. All of the jurisdictions decided to restructure recreational services to apparently improve oversight and create efficiencies. This led to RDNO handing over legal title of its facilities, including Kal Tire Place, to the City of Vernon. The city would operate the facilities and Coldstream and the electoral areas would provide funding to ensure access for their residents. At the same time, the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee investigated the longevity of the aging Civic Arena and decided the preferred route would be constructing a new ice sheet at the north end of Kal Tire Place. Hockey users and residents were consulted and the process towards a Nov. 15 referendum began. Now flash forward to Monday’s announcement that there won’t be a referendum this fall. What this reveals is the Ministry of Community Development questions how the regional district can borrow money for an asset it does not own. It would be similar to me asking the bank for cash so I can use my neighbour’s pool. One has to wonder about the process that was followed. Prior to getting minor hockey’s hopes up about a new ice sheet, did RDNO extensively consult with the ministry about the proposed borrowing bylaw and any potential complications? If it did, was there any advance warning that borrowing money for a facility no longer owned by the regional district could be problematic? I’m no expert, but I have a mortgage and it’s obvious that ownership and borrowing are generally linked. The other question arising out of all of this is the future of Greater Vernon’s restructured recreational service, which was hammered out after countless hours of meetings and, one would assume, costly legal advice. If Coldstream and electoral area taxpayers can’t apparently pump money into a new ice sheet, can they assist with upgrades at the Vernon Recreation Complex or any other facility they use that’s owned by Vernon? RDNO officials have stated options will now be considered and constructing a new ice sheet remains a priority. “We need a process to replace Civic Arena before it fails catastrophically,” said director Rob Sawatzky. That may be the case, but let’s hope our elected officials have their ducks in a row the next time.
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