Posted on 7/7/2015 by Ron Manz 107.5 KISSFM
An environmental study into a 20-metre right of way boundary change to Cosens Bay Road through Kalamalka Provincial Park is almost complete. Currently input and discussions with local first nations is taking place and then the final draft will be completed. After that, a 45-day public consultation process will be imposed before it is forwarded to Provincial Parks for approval. Program Manager Erik Lachmuth says this study is trying to satisfy the wants and needs of all parties involved. "There's the people who use the road that obviously strongly feel that it needs to be improved and made safer. Then there's people who don't use the road, but use the park and don't want to see anything touched in the park." Lachmuth says any actual construction on the road is at least a year away and would probably be conducted over a five year term. "Sight line improvements like brushing and a bit of tree removal where they are encroaching right up against the road, and only widening in a couple of areas where its unsafe for two vehicles to pass each other. We don't want to widen the entire road." Lachmuth says digging ditches along the roadway is a crucial part of this study and work that really needs to be completed. "This boundary adjustment is so that us, as the government body that looks after roads has the right of way around the road so that we can improve the road as we see fit and treat it like all the other roads in our inventory." The Provincial Cabinet has final say on whether or not the right of way is approved.
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