Saturday, May 14, 2016

Stickle Road Open House May 26th

Posted on 5/13/2016 5:19 PM by KISS News Staff
Mark May 26th on your calendar as the day to learn the latest vision for the Highway 97 and Stickle Road plan.The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will hold an open house that day from 4 pm to 8 pm at the Prestige Hotel.Vernon Monashee M-L-A Eric Foster is hopeful people will be satisfied with the new design. "We've addressed the safety issue. We've addressed you know the issue of people getting in and out of town. Certainly worked with people in the city, you know the engineering people, the city and the provincial people have been working on this for awhile to make sure they iron all the kinks out so I'm fairly confident." The plan involves the extension of 20th Street behind Rona to run parallel to Highway 97 so that motorists can avoid that left hand turn from Stickle onto the highway. Opponents say the BX Creek Wetlands enhancement and interpretation project there would be at risk.

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