Monday, August 07, 2006

M.P. to be.

With Apologies to Roger Miller and a great song
Memberships for sale today
Voters to get...anyway
Cell phone, chequebook and recruiting blanks

I ain't got no time for cranks.
Ah, but, twenty- four hours of blowing smoke

Saves me from becoming a political joke
I'm a man of means by all means
M.P. to be.

I tell them “Liberals, you’ve had your fill”
Destination...Parliament Hill
Spruced up Tory clothes and shoes,
None of our members pay union dues,
I spew Tory policy at the drop of a hat
I have no time for cats who are fat,
I'm a man of means by all means
M.P. to be.

I sing,
Memberships for sale today
Voters to get...anyway
Cell phone, chequebook and recruiting blanks

I ain't got no time for cranks.
Ah, but, twenty- four hours of blowing smoke
Saves me from becoming a political joke
I'm a man of means by all means
M.P. to be, Let it be Me !

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