Sunday, August 06, 2006


Richard Rolke had an interesting article buried on A12 of the Vernon Morning Star on Sunday August 8 entitled "BYLAW REVISION IRKS MAYOR". They didn't post it on their website so I can not provide a direct link yet.

The most interesting part to me was the following:
Lippert isn't impressed with the bylaw section that indicates what activities GVSC can't pursue. "All of number seven could be taken out because it has already been delegated," he said. Lippert believes NORD should only be responsible for approving budgets and bylaws, but section seven includes policies for communications, risk management, human resources and purchasing. "The (regional) district is overstepping its bounds," he said.

(After explanations by the interim administrator, Brian Reardon of the reasons for section 7) the article concludes with:
Despite that Lippert is hopeful NORD directors will agree with the city's position and scrap section seven. "We need to give the board enough clarity that these things are already in there and we don't need to make it cumbersome," he said.

I had suggested that only Coun. Beardsell protested the "legal castration" and no other person at the GVSC meeting that day agreed that Beardsell's suggestion of "maximum authority" except for budget and bylaw was even been considered.

Judging from the above quotes from Rolke's article this morning this argument of Beardsell's did not fall on deaf ears. The city's position apparently is to now scrap section seven. The Mayor has taken a firm position on the validity of section 7 and hopefully he will articulate this position at the NORD meeting on Aug 9th.

A reformed GVSC without any authority to manage the affairs of Greater Vernon without interference by non affected communities is worthless and isn't worth preserving. It will be interesting on Aug 9 to see our VERNON representatives on NORD debate the future of NORD's bastard offspring, the GVSC.

As I said in my original RANT I think that the GVSC will eventually be split apart into its two main components, a water Authority and a Parks, Rec. & Culture Component. All other matters of mutual concern between Coldstream and Vernon will be handled on a cooperative council to council basis and the balance will revert to NORD.

My own position on this hybred(sic) commission is that the water part should be split off and run as a true water authority with an elected oversight board of responsible and qualified individuals dedicated to water issues only.

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