Tuesday, August 08, 2006

MY TOWN -Motor Vehicle offences occurring at identified intersections in Vernon

ARTICLE WRITTEN BY TERRY PAKENHAM POSTED WITH PERMISSION: (Originally published in the Vernon Daily Courier)
Since the beginning of July 2006 ICBC and the RCMP have been gathering information pertaining to the number of motor vehicle offences occurring at identified intersections in Vernon. These intersections were identified due to the high number of motor vehicle crashes they were experiencing and data was required in order to determine what situations were occurring that created crash opportunities. Volunteers within the City of Vernon RCMP Safe Communities Unit collected information over a period of 3 days observing and recording certain driving infractions that could lead to crash opportunities at the identified intersections. They spent 2 hours each day during peak periods of traffic flow and were paying particular attention to vehicles running yellow lights, vehicles turning right on red lights without stopping, and vehicles running red lights. During their time they observed 851 separate incidents where vehicles ran yellow lights, 168 separate incidents where vehicles did not stop before turning right on a red light, and 53 separate incidents where vehicles ran red lights. From this information ICBC began a campaign of awareness and education while the RCMP launched a campaign of education and enforcement and during the month of July several projects were undertaken in Vernon. This will likely continue during the month of August as well with the intention to decrease the frequency of motor vehicle crashes caused by driving errors.The three intersections identified are 27Str. and 48Ave., 32Str. and 43Ave., and 25Ave. and 32Str. To most drivers in Vernon these locations will not be a surprise that they have high crash rates and have drawn the attention of both ICBC and the RCMP. In a recent discussion with the Sergeant in charge of the local highway patrol unit the police are not going to be limiting their enforcement and education to just these 3 intersections.
Things we can all do to keep from becoming involved in crashes at any controlled intersection include:
· slow down our speed before entering the intersection
· stop at a red light before making a right turn
· don’t run the yellow advanced arrow or light
· don’t run red lights
· don’t speed up in order to make the light at an intersection
· take an extra second or two looking both directions before we enter an intersection on a green light
· don’t follow too close
· give ourselves some extra time to go somewhere particularly during peak traffic periods
· seek alternate routes and avoid the congestion
If you have any particular concerns or questions you feel would make an interesting article please make contact with me, Terry Pakenham, at my fax line 260-5866, or my direct office line at 260-5276.

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