Thursday, November 16, 2006

OOPS,They did it again

From the pages of Nov.16
Taxable Semantics
Vernon City Council has fixed one taxation error but will have to start a new discussion to fix a second one. Council voted to change the minutes to erase a so called "spelling" error that changes tax rate to tax ratio. The error would have given light industry a significant tax decrease instead of an increase as council had intended. Coun. Barry Beardsell objected to council's attempts to alter the historical record. "I don't believe this is the way to handle these things," he said. "The minutes reflect what happened at the previous meeting." Beardsell said the minutes are correct and council needs to open further discussion to amend the mistake. The rest of council disagreed. However, some mistakenly swapped decimals have sent the city's tax ratio changes back to the drawing board. Instead of passing ratios of 3.5 for light industrial and 6.2 for utilities as they intended, council actually passed backwards ratios of 3.2 and 6.5. Further discussion is planed to fix the errors.

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