Monday, December 04, 2006

Global Warming?

Stockwell Day Global Warming? Dec. 03, 2006 Castanet
Hey who knows, maybe Al Gore is right. Maybe all my constituents living high up on the West Bench, or Lakeview Heights, or the hills of Logan Lake will soon be sitting on lakeside property as one of the many benefits of global warming. All I know is last weekend when I got home from Ottawa there was more snow in my driveway than we usually get in a year. And I was begging for Big Al's Glacial Melt when the mercury hit -24°. Do not despair, my fellow dwellers of the Okanagan and Nicola Valleys. If misery loves company then we had lots of it around our province. As a matter of fact, at one point in the week some 22 towns and cities had broken ALL-time records for paralyzing frigid temperatures. Rather than feeling badly for yourself, picture this. For every hour it's that cold, millions of those nasty ravenous pine beetles who are destroying our forests are having their pesky little heads and jaws frozen, literally to death. But brace yourself. We'd need about two weeks of that brain freeze weather to kill off all those burrowing bugs. Are you up for it?

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