Sunday, March 25, 2007

City questioning security support

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Mar 25 2007

There’s uncertainty as to whether the City of Vernon will fund private security patrols downtown. Council will consider a request Monday from the Downtown Vernon Association that it provide $40,000 so private security guards can continue their duties until Dec. 31. However, opinions vary among elected officials. “I’d like to see the city partner with the DVA,” said Coun. Pat Cochrane. “The Commissionaires (guards) have been a huge benefit to downtown.” Cochrane requires more information before making a decision on the request, primarily the role of the city’s expanded bylaw enforcement unit and how they impact safety issues. “There needs to be more to their role than writing tickets,” he said.

Coun. Buffy Baumbrough doesn’t want an immediate decision on the funding request, but for discussions to be held between the city, the DVA and the RCMP. “I want to make sure the resources available are being used efficiently,” she said, referring to the police, the Commissionaires, community policing and bylaw officers. “We may find that by the end of the summer, there is not the same need for the Commissionaires.” Baumbrough is aware of the concerns of the DVA when it comes to safety of people who work and shop downtown. “I’ve had some positive discussions with the DVA and our goals are closely aligned,” she said.
Coun. Juliette Cunningham anticipates voting against the request because the RCMP and bylaw enforcement unit are increasing their activities. “We need to give that a chance to work,” she said.” Cunningham is also concerned about the broad perception in the community that downtown is being singled out for financial support. “Other businesses in Vernon are opposed to giving that kind of funding. I’ve even heard that from businesses downtown,” she said. The DVA is currently raising funds to maintain security patrols for the remainder of the year. To date, $30,300 has been raised.
Don Quixote Note: (Notes about policing costs):
More Cops on Vernon Streets and Repeat offenders focus of new strategy
It has been reported that the Auxiliary Program in the policing budget is $4500 and the Police Inspector indicated they would be increasing this program by 20 new members and would be requesting $2100 per new recruit for the 16 week training. (Total $42,000)
The 5 new Bylaw officers are costing the taxpayer $311,409 in 2007.

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