Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Foreshadowing for NORD ??

Comox Strathcona Regional District Receives Letter on Structure Changes from The Ministry Of Community Services COMOX STRATHCONA

The Comox Strathcona Regional District (CSRD) has received a letter from the Ministry of Community Services that outlines a new direction for the CSRD, including a review of its current governance structure. The letter from Ida Chong, Minister of Community Services, was addressed to CSRD chair Starr Winchester and members of the CSRD board. One of the key projects of the review, as outlined in the letter, is the division of the CSRD into two separate regional districts: one that is focused on the Comox Valley area and another that would be focused on the Strathcona-Campbell River area. Foreshadowing

The Ministry has appointed Dale Wall, the Assistant Deputy Minister, Local Government Department, to act as the key contact for the province. “We are looking forward to hearing more from Mr. Wall during his attendance at the special board meeting that I have called for tomorrow,” said chair Winchester. Debra Oakman, general manager of corporate services and acting CAO for the CSRD says, “This direction for change comes from the province and involves changes to Letters Patent, so there will be many things for the board to consider. At the staff level it will be business as usual. Our goal remains to provide services and programs to residents in the Comox Strathcona Regional District with as little disruption as possible.”

The CSRD is a partnership of nine electoral areas and eight municipalities providing just under 102,000 residents with over 145 services - from parks to full-service sports facilities to regional solid waste systems.

Minister Chong's Letter
Denman Island reps. reaction

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