Thursday, October 11, 2007

Casino plans go public

By NATALIE BANK October 11, 2007 Vernon Courier

City council will be holding a public input meeting about the potential move and expansion of Lake City Casinos next month, but at least one councillor wants to know why. Lake City plans to move from its current site on 27th Street to the 4900 block of Anderson Way. The casino would double in size – from 12,000 to 30,000 square feet. As part of the relocation process, the casino must get approval and permits from the city. Construction hasn‘t started yet, but some initial development work is underway. Coun. Juliette Cunningham said it seems late to hold a public input meeting for an application that appears to be on its way through. “If they‘re doing the applications and getting the permits, why do we bother?” In order to relocate and expand, the B.C. Lottery Corporation must first consult with all neighbouring communities in a five-kilometre radius. That includes NORD, Spallumcheen and the Okanagan Indian Band, who have 30 days to communicate concerns to Vernon council. The city has to show it sought and considered public input before approving permits and applications for development. The BCLC will also be hosting an information session for the public prior to the city‘s open meeting.

If getting through the red tape goes well, Lake City Casinos hopes to open its new facility in about a year, according to Stephen Kumpf, vice president of Okanagan operations for Gateway Casinos. “If everything goes perfect, we would hope it would be (open) in the fall of next year,” he said. The new building would nearly double in gaming and amenities. The casino could go from holding 210 slots and a snack counter to 400 slots and a full service restaurant, lounge and stage. Kumpf said they‘re looking forward to opening a “full-service” facility. “The additional amenities is really what our customers have told us …they would like to see in a casino property.” The public input meeting will be held on the evening of Nov. 13 in council chambers. A time will be announced later.

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