Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Coldstream To Hold Farm Land Referendum

By Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISS FM

The debate over sports fields or farm land in Coldstream, has been re-ignited.After a 4-3 vote on Monday night, Coldstream council has approved going to a referendum on the issue of whether land on Aberdeen Road should be used for a sports complex.The issue was brought back for discussion after councillor Mary Malerby reconsidered her original vote against the sports fields.Malerby tells KISS FM, 'Since then, the petition (from the Outdoor Sports User Group) came forward signed by over 650 Coldstream residents saying they were in favour of having sports fields in the Spicer block (Coldstream Ranch owned land).'Mayor Gary Corner says the referendum will ask if Coldstream residents support forwarding the application to the Agricultural Land Commission.He says it will be held as soon as possible, perhaps before the end of this year.It was one month ago (September 11) that council hosted a packed public input meeting and then voted 4-3 aqainst forwarding the application to the ALC.

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