Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Vernon Rep to Super Regional Committee MUST be a Vernon Resident and a Vernon Taxpayer !

Tomorrow at Nord Res. # 37 proposes to appoint a 3 man committee "to study the growth management and governance challenges of the Okanagan Valley” One of these members is to come from a large sized community. I presume this means Vernon.

It is imperative that if the rep. is to be from Vernon that he or she not only is an elected Vernon politician but also is a resident and taxpayer of Vernon.

Also this 3 person committee will cost NORD taxpayers $390 per meeting. ($130 per person per meeting + car allowance etc?). Is such a committee really necessary or could it be done as another agenda item on an existing committee ?

Resolution No. 37
“That the Regional Board appoint a maximum of three (representatives from one large sized community, one medium sized community and one rural community) Board Directors to the “growth management and governance challenges of the Okanagan Valley” working group/committee; AND FURTHER THAT the appointee provide regular updates to the Board on the progress of this working group/committee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully agree but I think that the mayor is so full of himself that he will make sure he is appointed. It will not help the process at all. He should have to reside in Vernon.