Monday, November 05, 2007

Green Party's candidate response to “Office Stunt sidetracks meat issue” & other politicians’ reactions

Huguette Allen's Blog: (Full version)

If either Scott Neufeld [Vernon Daily Courier] or MP Colin Mayes had bothered to read the letter we delivered to Mr. Mayes’ office last week they would stop wondering why the MP’s office was chosen as the place of delivery. The letter clearly explained that the Meat Inspection Regulation of the Food Safety Act was formulated by the province in response to direction from Agriculture Canada.

It seems also difficult for both Scott Neufeld and Colin Mayes to understand that candidates can believe in collaboration. Rather than try to pull a stunt, we tried to get collaboration from all parties to work at repealing this destructive regulation. The reasons why it is important for all MP Candidates to work together on this issue is that the federal Liberal platform of Paul Martin put in place the structures supporting industrialization of foods and now the federal Conservative government along with the provincial Liberal government are supporting it.

Mr. Neufeld, I also remind you that I had sent an invitation to Colin Mayes as well as to liberal candidate Buffy Baumbrough one week prior to bringing the letter to our elected MP, but that I have yet to receive any response at all from him. When an elected MP doesn’t bother to respond to something as important as this, I feel it is not only my right, but my duty as a “political hopeful” to do all I can to bring it to the attention of our elected representative.

Currently, Corky Evans, an NDP MLA is tabling the petition in the provincial legislature and has put it on his website ( Being “hopeful”, I am still hoping Mr. Mayes will take this opportunity to join us in asking the federal government to revise their policies so they can support family farms and local food rather than industrial farms and food. The TV documentary W5 showed clearly last week how dangerous our so called Canadian food supply has become; we cannot trust that anything even labeled from Canada contains food raised in Canada. The last thing we want is to lose our right to choose to buy local food produced in a healthy way by our local farmers.

While our MP is busy explaining why he is not doing anything, others are gaining ground …


Editorial from Scott Neufeld Daily Courier call be found at

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