Friday, May 23, 2008

Summerland P3 project seems to be proceeding. Library on board.

Press Release from the Okanagan Regional Library May 21/08
At the May 21 Meeting of the Okanagan Regional Library Board, the Board: -Agreed in principle to participate in the Wharton Street project in Summerland, and asked staff to work with the developer to clarify the plans and cost of approximately 8000 square feet in the development in downtown Summerland, with a view to having a firm decision about the Library’s participation in the project at the September Board meeting.

Summerland Cultural Complex including Library, Museum, Residential and Commercial space !

Final phases include a combination of commercial space along the south side of the realigned Wharton Street, residential

development, a cultural centre that will include a museum, common amenity space for various public uses and the long- term home of the Library. There is tremendous community support for this project.


Don Quixote Note: Downtown Condos, Residential Developmemnt, Commercial Space with a museum and library or perhaps an Art Gallery built downtown by private enterprise (P3 partnership?). Smart Growth. Sounds like the new project Coun. Cochrane envisioned on the Coldstream Site.

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