Friday, February 08, 2008

Press Release New Candidate for Vernon Council

Feb 8, 2008

Dean Skoreyko announces his intention to run for Vernon City Council in the upcoming November municipal election. “Since the last municipal election, I have been observing our local politics very closely. I believe that this council has lost touch with the citizens of Vernon. There is a strong sense that the average voter is very unhappy with the decisions from City Hall and would like someone to represent them who would bring common sense to an open democratic council. Skoreyko insists that City Hall must be run in a responsible manner by being transparent and responsive to the true needs of the community.”

For additional information please call:
Dean Skoreyko 309.9498

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One can always bank on being informed as to an imminent election by the fact that one can always count to hear that Mr Skoyreko is 'running' JUST AS LONG AS IT IS AN ELECTION!!

The taxpayers shall be informed in depth this year on every candidate's qualifications

So it shall take more than a pretty picture and a few platitudes!