Friday, February 01, 2008

Shelter Funding Secured

107.5 KISSFM NEWS Province of B.C. Press Release

The Province has approved about $1 million for the purchase and renovation of a permanent 25-bed emergency shelter for men and women on 33rd Street. Okanagan-Vernon MLA Tom Christensen says the province is committed to breaking the cycle of homelessness by working together with community partners to provide emergency shelter for those most in need. "We know that there is urgent need for a year-round emergency shelter in Vernon and it's a testament to how government and local community groups can pull together to make much-needed services like this a reality." The Province is contributing $978,000 to the $1.1-million purchase and renovation of the Chinese Freemason's building at 2800 33rd Street. The shelter will be operated by the John Howard Society, who will lease the building from the Province. The Society plans to renovate the building so it can accommodate up to 10 men and 15 women with separate and secure sleeping quarters. The shelter will operate 24/7 with two staff on duty at all times.

In addition to the purchase amount, the Province will provide approximately $530,000 in ongoing annual operating funding through the Emergency Shelter Program for staffing and programming services. The women's shelter beds will be operated through a partnership with the Vernon and District Women's Centre. The new emergency shelter will provide Vernon with a permanent emergency shelter for homeless women and a low-barrier shelter for men. Upon completion it will replace two government-funded temporary shelters currently offering these services. During the renovations, the two temporary shelters will continue to operate 12 hours per day. The men's shelter is at Howard House and the women's shelter is operating through a partnership between the Vernon and District Women's Centre and the Salvation Army and is located at the Salvation Army's House of Hope.


107.5 Kiss Fm Pete McIntyre

Shelter Neighbor Willing To Work With Facility

Reaction to the new permanent shelter site has been positive from one business owner who was previously critical of the choice. Bob Woodman, the owner of Dodd's Auction which is next door to the facility, has concerns, but is willing to give it a try. "The community needs it. It has to go somewhere. It's going to be there so we're going to work with them. We're going to make it the best that we can and try to make this whole area better than what it is now." Woodman says shelter officials met with him and other nearby merchants Thursday to outline the plans.
"I think the running of the facility will be great. Our concern is not with that but with what happens with the overflow of people, and hopefully we can address that and between them and us and the businesses around here, we can make it all work."It's expected the new shelter could open by June but the renovations could take until September.

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