Thursday, May 08, 2008

Nord staff paid $5 million ---/---Politician's pay figures released

Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM

NORD's chairman says it's the cost of providing good service to the public. The regional district and its taxpayers paid just over five million dollars for NORD's staff last year. The list included six people making over $100,000, including administrator Brian Reardon at $153,681, Chief financial officer Allan Harris at $115,856, Electoral Area general manager Greg Betts $110,991, Director of Parks and Rec Al McNiven at $104,729. Chairman Jerry Oglow defends the amount that was spent. "One needs to look at what those salaries represent and the work that the people are doing. We have an outstanding group of employees here with terrific levels of expertise. "The salaries reflect the level of service we are providing the region and the depth of expertise that one needs to provide the 72 or 73 functions we provide region wide." The top-earning staff member was Barry Gagnon at $163,624 even though he doesn't work for NORD anymore. Oglow says that was part of the former administrator's severance agreement.

Politician's pay figures released

The amount local politicians get paid is under the media microscope. In NORD's annual report of remuneration and expenses, chairman Jerry Oglow was the highest paid politician at $31,867. Oglow's expenses were the second highest among the 34 listed at $4,762.Rural Lumby (Area D) director Rick Fairbairn was next at $28,486.Rural Enderby (Area F) director Herman Halvorson had the highest expenses of $6,989 which he explained to the media. "I would say it's the meetings I've been going to. I sure haven't stepped out of bounds on the expenses. Everything's been approved by (Nord staff) and nothing is out of line. If they want representation and they want you to go to the meetings, they have to pay the milage." Third on the list of remuneration was Area B director Cliff Kanester ($24,632) followed by Area C's Stan Field ($22,489). Coldstream mayor and GVS chair Gary Corner received $18,665 while Vernon mayor Wayne Lippert was paid $17,620.


See complete figures at this post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a waste of money. Oglow would still be saying that alls well even if he was on the deck of the Titanic when it started to go down. It is time that he retired so someone with some common sense could represent Armstrong and someone else represent Nord as chairperson.