Vernon did pass a resolution that their public input for their annual meeting would be on the 23rd at night after another public hearing and copies of their annual report (sans objectives for 2008 and 2009 ) are available at front desk at City Hall. The full report is still not online.
Backyard scuttlebutt is that the 2008 and 2009 objectives will be prepared for Council's approval at the Council meeting of the 23rd (probably the COW meeting in the morning) and introduced as an addendum to the already published Annual Report. This is a fair compromise as to date less than 3 people have picked up an Annual Report and as attendance at the input session rarely gets into the area where Rolke has to take off a sock it doesn't seem to matter. Its either that or wait another 2 weeks until mid July for public input.
I have included the Mayor's message as an inspiration for you to pick up a report and make your opinion known. This is a review of the year 2007 as seen by the Council and administration and should be judged for its historical correctness. The 2008 and 2009 addendum is a statement of the future vision of this Council and it should be used as an operational template for the next couple years.
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