Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A tax on a tax - How Canadian

I sent an E-mail to Terasen Gas Today and received a prompt reply. (See below for both). It is confirmed that the Federal Government charges the GST on the newly instituted Provincial Carbon Tax as well as the Clean Energy Levy.

At tomorrow's Photo OP at 10 AM in Council Chambers I hope that the media asks the question of the Federal Rep. Colin Mayes of why the Conservative Government does not approve Carbon Taxes but willingly takes their 5% GST ride on the back of this method of fighting Global Warming in B.C. As our MLA Mr Christensen will be there his comments on this tax on a tax would be appreciated also.

They can also ask Mayes if he stands by the quote reported in Sicamous on June 30: “Government is not bad. We are trying,” said Mayes. “And it is very difficult when you deal with INAC (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada), a heartless department. But believe me, there are politicians who are representing you in Ottawa, and we do have a heart for aboriginal people.”

You are correct on each of your statements. Further information about the new carbon tax can be found at or call 604-660-4524 in Vancouver or toll-free at 1-877-388-4440 directly.
TERASEN GAS INC. Customer Advocacy Team

It appears that the 3.09% franchise fee is still calculated exclusive of the new carbon tax and clean energy levy. Could you confirm this.

The GST charge appears to apply to all items on the bill including, the franchise fee as before, as well as the new Carbon Tax levy of .4966 per GJ and the Clean Energy Levy of .4% on Delivery, Commodity Charge . Could you confirm this.

It appears that The GST tax is applied to the new Carbon Tax measures ? (A tax on a tax - How Canadian)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Only in Canada you say"??