Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Allen resigns as Green Candidate

LUMBY - Effective today, Huguette Allen resigns as Okanagan-Shuswap Green Party candidate. Allen was nominated candidate in March 2007 and ran federally in 2008 and again provincially in 2009, both times increasing the Green vote by 400%.

During her candidacy, Allen attracted a strong and dedicated team who worked tirelessly during as well as between elections. They built an extensive website and database of supporters, and communicated with them as well as with media regularly. They raised money, held well-attended events, produced their own material, and gained visibility as well as credibility. The gains made between 2006 when 4.5% of voters voted Green, and 2008 when 17.3% voted Green, are a testimony of their ability and determination. It is also noteworthy to mention that in a riding where 51% vote Conservative, Allen's team won the cross Canada membership contest, signing up the largest number of Green members!

Allen was passionate about Green policies and spoke eloquently about them. "I remain convinced that only Green Policies can solve the problems we face. Those problems are integrated yet the solutions brought forward by other parties are not. As they try to solve one problem they actually worsen others. We can't offer our children a good future when our economy is based on destroying natural resources. Cancer and obesity have now become childhood diseases. We can't solve the health care crisis unless we develop an economy that is good for us instead of one that makes us sick. Green policies support one another so that stimulating the economy also improves our health and our environment."

Though much progress was made, Greens were not elected federally in 2008, or provincially in 2009. "Given our "first past the post" political system and how rapidly some problems are developing, I've decided to concentrate my efforts outside the political arena for now, and to work with citizens' groups who fight water pollution, the expansion of factory farms and urban development in sensitive areas."

Allen says her commitment to the Green Party remains strong and that she encourages anyone interested to run for the upcoming candidate nomination meeting. "Being a candidate is a positive and exciting experience that offers excellent opportunities for developing personal skills and meeting some very interesting people. The Green Team is a good example, since it consists entirely of volunteers who put values ahead of personal gains. Working with the Board, with Shelley Verlaan who was campaign manager both times, and with all the dedicated and smart people who volunteered with us, has been a pleasure and an honour. "

Allen who was elected as councillor at large last Summer will remain on the Green Party council, representing Green Party members throughout Canada.

Contact Information:
Russ Collins
Vice Chairman of the Board
Okanagan Shuswap Green Party Riding Association

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Greens were going to do politics differently. From the federal Green Party web site, "When our government is at its best, it represents all of us and brings us together to accomplish things we cannot accomplish alone. Our parliament should be a model of statesmanship and cooperation, working for the good of all Canadians." Unfortunately, all the MPs are so bad, and Canadians are just so dumb to elect them, so out goes that model. Goodbye, Huguette. I once had high hopes, but you turned into just another partisan politician yelling "Vote for me, because everyone else is (fill in the blank)."