Thursday, April 08, 2010

Stage 2 Water Restrictions Close

Tougher water restrictions in Greater Vernon could be implemented later this month. Water manager Al Cotsworth would like to go to Stage 2 rules as soon as possible, with snowpack and reservoir levels at near record lows. "History has shown it's prudent to be early rather than try to catch up later. When we take data up there (Aberdeen Plateau), it's always a little late coming in so we're always chasing the problem and we want to be ahead of the problem." Cotsworth says the tighter rules could go into effect April 22nd, if approved by the regional board. Stage two would allow two day a week residential watering, and a voluntary request for farmers to cut back by ten percent. Watering on local sports fields and parks would also be curtailed.

He says both Duteau and Kal Lake water customers will be down to two day a week watering. "Last year, Kal Lake kept relatively high and there wasn't really the necessity to cut back from the residential use on that. Now the water bucket is quite a bit lower." Cotsworth will also be recommending the water turn-on for agricultural users start May 1, instead of the usual April 15.

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