Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tories dangerous to democracy: May

By LAURA PAYTON, Parliamentary Bureau Toronto Sun August 21, 2010 8:43pm
In a hard-hitting speech to supporters, Green Party leader Elizabeth May tore into the Conservative government Saturday, arguing moves by the Harper government have fundamentally changed democracy in Canada. “This is not the same country that I've known. We are seeing changes that are so deeply dangerous and they are fundamental to the very fabric of our democracy, and we must not let that happen,” May said. May says bureaucrats are scared of the government, pointing to former Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission head Linda Keen, who was fired after shutting down the Chalk River nuclear reactor. May also brought up Veterans' Ombudsman Pat Stogran, who wanted a second term in the post but found out last week he won't get it. Opposition MPs say it's because he's critical of the government. “It's such a barrage of body blows that things that happened three years ago, you almost stop caring about how bad that was because you have to adapt and respond to the next series of things,” May said. “I say these things because I don't think Canadians hear them enough, and I don't think we have a strong enough sense as a citizenry that this isn't just more of the same.”May says she expects an election in the next year, whenever Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants to have it. The Green Party is holding their national convention in Toronto this weekend.


Patrick Ross said...

Elizabeth May has now quite clearly jumped the shark.

Her ongoing leadership violates her party's constitution.

And she points to Linda Keen -- who spent years not doing her job as the head of the CNSC -- as evidence that critical bureaucrats are under attack.

She is now the clueless dictator of the Green Party. If they don't oust her, they deserve her.

Kalwest said...

Sounds like May had a little to much gas and had to expell it!