DON QUIXOTE VS. CITY HALL When an American gets mad, he says "where's my Gun". When a Canadian gets pissed off he says "Where is my pen, I'm going to send a letter to the EDITOR". When the EDITOR won't publish his letter he sets up his own BLOG page. When I received enough support to get a Council Seat the dogma of the establishment became : "Better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in." (Only time will tell !)
this guy MacNabb is out to lunch. He has done nothing but try to destroy Parks and Rec .,and now he tries to put out this BS.
MacNabb is right on the money. The present system is tried and old. Look at the ridiculous setup at Kal Beach with NORD, Vernon and Coldstream all individually owning a piece of the action including a shared boat trailer parking lot... costly (to taxpayer) redundancies, and confusing governance. Put local parks in local hands and agree to some cost sharing on common use facilities....it ain't rocket science!
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