Thursday, September 29, 2011

Goodby RCMP ?

Vernon's mayor says the city will be exploring its own police force, if the RCMP doesn't come up with an acceptable contract offer.  Lippert says the current 20 year offer to BC lacks accountability, and is open ended on costs. He says " We need to have alternatives, it's the  prudent thing to do whether it's the province that'll be looking into possibly having a provincial force, and I think that each municipality will have to look at what the costs are to have their own force." Lippert says Vernon has looked into it, and the costs are comparable. "We know that it's pretty close to what the costs are now, and there's possible savings because we'll be able to do a better accounting and better value for service." The federal government has threatened to withdraw the R-C-M-P from B-C in 2014 if the province doesn't sign a contract by the end of November.
(see poll at right)
 Don Quixote Note:
The 3 tables (P.7 & 8 ) in the Police Resources in B.C. 2009 stats (Police Resources in British Columbia, 2009 pdf - Acrobat Reader required) for RCMP Municipal Forces over 15,000 population, RCMP Municipal Forces between 5000 and 15000 population and for all other Independent Municipal Forces. These stats are from the Police Services Division, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, British Columbia website. These are the most updated stats.

You can check out Vernon's total cost, per member cost and cost per capita and compare them to the INDEPENDENT MUNICIPAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS to ascertain whether costs are comparable.

Please Note: Caution should be used in comparing police jurisdiction crime data, policing costs, strengths or case loads. Please see Data Qualifiers at the end of this document on page 19.

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