Monday, February 19, 2007

Full Reserve Review in Vernon's future !

I just got my pocket picked again !!

At the posting above I indicated my concern that the Council had diverted $140,000 from the Policing Reserve into the an Infrastructure reserve. I maintained that this should of been a separate and distinct decision made in open council as had been stated when the Policing Reserve was set up in 2004.

Coun. Beardsell brought up my concern at the Finance Meeting last Thursday and indeed put the above posting into the minutes of this meeting. He said that he agreed with the conclusions and said that it was not done in the best possible way.

Discussion about a full report on all the Reserves including their history, purpose and future recommendations was initiated by our New Finance Manager Kevin Bertles. This report would naturally address the transfer of the money from the Policing Reserve to an infrastructure Reserve etc.

I will await the full report and the discussion on tax ratios that will affect the final tax increase. The Police reserve should not be diverted when we can easily see the need for policing increases as per these two postings:

I just got my pocket picked again !! (Part of Posting Above) This is prudent because the Auxiliary Program in the policing budget is $4500 and the Police Inspector indicated they would be increasing this program by 20 new members and would be requesting $2100 per new recruit for the 16 week training. (Total $42,000)

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