Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We shall now go to the DARKSIDE !

Once again a representative of the mainstream media and Don Quixote, a lowly blogger and self proclaimed protector of the public purse were tossed from a secretive in-camera meeting. This time they almost got the procedure correct.
Mayor Corner immediately asked for a resolution to go in camera without stating under what sections of the act that this draconian edict would be invoked. As I previously posted in Special Council Meeting with Provincial Ministers This Morning. (Technically they forgot to state in open session under what sections of the Act that the meeting was to be closed ). Coldstream voted unanimously to go in-camera.

Obviously some people at VernonCity Hall had read the rules (and my Blog) and Mayor Lippert called for a resolution and stated the reasons and both the sections and subsections that are required to be pronounced under the Community Charter. Coun. Beardsell attempted to find out why the meeting was going to move to the Dark Side just because of a Report coming from NORD that was marked 'CONFIDENTIAL'.

They say you don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off an 'ole Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with an In-camera whim.

And so with little response to Coun. Beardsell's question the vote was called and passed 6-1 and Vernon joined Coldstream in denying access and the two spectators representing the Public and the Media were shown the door.

I briefly debated whether I should refuse to leave until Coldstream Council actually openly proclaimed the reasons for their vote and thought this would be petty. I am always reluctant to embarrass my Country living at its best neighbours about the Politically correct way to conduct a meeting when they meet their Big City compatriots.

And so with a brief look backwards as we envisioned the sterling debate and cutting edge verbal paring and wisdom that would soon unfold the two intrepid travellers left the Dark Side and once again felt the sunshine and clarity of a Vernon summer's day.

We took up a vigil outside but boredom overtook us and the politicians and bureaucrabs assembled inside outlasted us and managed to escape the Post Dark side media scrum that we had planned. Briefly sitting outside the Marie Fleming Hall at the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre (which had been authorized by a referendum) we did pick up the knowledge that the outside of this building is gradually been destroyed by nesting birds. Apparently their nesting and shitting were causing great distress to the outside of the building. The distress caused to open government from the bullshitting and featherbedding that was occurring inside this beautiful building seemed to be less important in retrospect.

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