Monday, June 09, 2008

A snapshot of Salaries at City of Vernon 2005-2007.

Year over Year Increase In Earnings:
  • 2007 12.487%
  • 2006 6.857%
These total figures are from the Annual Reports for the last 3 years.
(Note that in 2005 that allowances and expenses were combined but are separated out for 2006 and 2007.) (The first row of numbers is for those employees that are making greater than $75,000 while the second row is for all other employees. )

Earnings increases are not necessarily because of wage or salary increases but also reflect service levels adjustment. It would be more constructive if man years by type of employee (union or exempt, administration etc.) but this is not required by the community charter and is not published by the City.
Don Quixote Note: Blogreader asked for NORD Figures:(salaries compared only not expenses)

Nord Salaries for 2006 with a 2005 figure can be found at

Nord Salaries for 2007 can be found at

2007 year over year 15.8%
2006 year over year 11.5%


Anonymous said...

A 5.6% increase over and above the 2006 percentage increase is way too much. It shows that this council is ignoring us poor tax payers. What is the increase at Nord that we also pay?

Don Quixote said...

Nord Salaries for 2006 with a 2005 figure can be found at

Nord Salaries for 2007 can be found at

2007 year over year 15.8%
2006 year over year 11.5%